There are lots of things I’d like to do and places I’d like to go this Easter and none of them are going to be possible. My situation is the same as for so many of us. No visits to family, no trips away from home, contact with friends and family limited to phone and video calls. Yet, despite all of these restrictions I do feel that I still have a choice. I can lament the fact that the weather is good and there is so much I could do if only…. Or I can accept the situation as it is and be grateful for what I do have today.
I have a number of areas in my life that I like to call my passions. My main passion, which brings with it a love of walking and being in nature, is photography, which has given me the added gift of becoming more observant and being present in the moment. Coming a close second to these simple pleasures is music, which I have always loved, and which has sustained me at many junctures of my life. So many of the world’s best known (and even lesser known) artists are performing in so many different ways to raise our spirits, and music certainly has the power to do that.
A friend sent me this link to a performance by music icon Andre Bocelli, which is billed as a message of love, hope and healing to the world. Easter Sunday, 10am LA, 1pm NYC, 6pm UK and Ireland, 7pm CET
To add to my list of passions, I am an avid reader and am also rapidly discovering a love for cooking and baking. In truth, none of these things have been taken away from me in the current lockdown situation. My photography trips may have been curtailed somewhat but I am discovering little delights in my own garden and realising that I have much to learn in the realm of close-up photography. Whatever the weather, a good book is never far from my side and access to music knows no bounds with all the technology at our disposal today.
This Easter there are many people working long, exhausting shifts in our hospitals and care centres, in supermarkets and in the area of transport, ferrying people and goods around the country to meet the demand for essential services. All I have to do is be grateful that I have a home in which to ‘isolate’, and stay there!
I have picked a few of my photographs to remind me that the world wasn’t always in the grip of a virus, and that we will return to that state someday, hopefully someday soon.

Happy Easter 2020