I previously wrote a blog post about the value of curiosity to our mental health and how photography can help us enhance that curiosity. You can view that post here.
In this post I will discuss the topic from another viewpoint - that is, how curiosity in turn adds value to photography and why it’s good to follow your curiosity in photography.
Following your curiosity in photography:
Curiosity continually opens up new worlds and possibilities. Being curious helps us to discover things that are not immediately obvious or visible. By following our curiosity in photography we will open ourselves to new photographic opportunities, we will begin to discover that we like certain subjects that we previously didn't notice or disregarded, and we will realise that there is a world of photographic opportunity waiting for us that we didn't know existed.
To give an example, I had a vague sense of being drawn to photographing old abandoned buildings and sheds but until recently I hadn't acted on the urge. Once I began to make some of these type of images I started to follow my curiosity and this has led me to a new set of subjects that I really enjoy photographing.
Curiosity keeps your mind active, always asking questions, seeking new ways of doing things, searching for solutions to challenges.
To give an example, in my photography I have been curious about discovering the effect of using different shutter speeds so I have experimented with various slow shutter speeds and combining them with a range of focal lengths. I have achieved some reasonable results which I like but I have also discovered that to do long exposure photography properly I will need to invest in a tripod.
In a similar way my curiosity about depth of field has led me to experimenting with aperture and distance from subject. This has given me new skills to employ when doing close up and macro photography.
When we are curious we keep trying new things, and new ways of doing familiar things, and we are continually led down new learning paths.
When you follow your curiosity you are in charge of the things you photograph and share. You can photograph subjects simply as experiments, because you want to, or you can allow your curiosity in photography to take you in lots of different directions, propelled forward by your desire to discover new things, to take on new ideas and to see photography as something that is fun for you, not something that is dictated by the opinions of others.
To give an example, I have followed my curiosity into macro photography. Despite not having proper macro equipment I have compromised and improvised by using magnifying lenses, a Raynox diopter and an inexpensive macro lens. My curiosity and open mind regarding this type of photography has, despite many frustrations, given me countless hours of very enjoyable photography.
There is much research into the benefits of having a curious mind. Curiosity has been the driving force behind some of the world's best inventions, scientific discoveries and creative works. It is certainly an important value to foster in our lives. By being curious, always asking questions and seeking answers, we can live more purposeful, fulfilling lives.
When we apply a mind-set of active curiosity to our photography we set ourselves free to experiment, to grow, to continually feel motivated and to enjoy all that our craft has to offer.
Why not go out with your camera and just follow your curiosity!