“The trees encountered on a country stroll
Reveal a lot about that country’s soul...
A culture is no better than its woods.”
― W.H.Auden
When I look back over my image catalogue I notice that the most common subject I have photographed is trees. This doesn't surprise me as I love trees and I think they make great photography subjects.
Trees make great subjects because:
(a) They wait patiently for you to come along with your camera to take their picture
(b) They are constantly changing, offering a great diversity of image possibilities
(c) They give the photographer a combination of different components, perspectives, angles, shapes and textures leading to countless interesting compositions
(d) They provide interesting 'tree characters' to photograph.
That is not to say that trees are easy to photograph. In fact the opposite is often true and no matter how majestic a tree may appear it can be difficult to isolate and use to create a pleasing image.
Despite the difficulties involved in creating good tree images it is worth persevering with these wonderful subjects and by experimenting, careful composition and using a range of perspectives and angles we can often come home with images to be proud of.
I have picked some of my recent tree images that I think are worth sharing.
Do you agree?

I am very fortunate to live close to a mature woodland that provides me with many photographic opportunities. I hope that some day I will really do them justice. Meanwhile I will reap the benefits of walking among these ancient characters.
“Ancient trees are precious. There is little else on Earth that plays host to such a rich community of life within a single living organism.”
— Sir David Attenborough